Metal Crafting Guide for Dummies

Kim Williams

In its simplest terms metal crafting, otherwise known as metalworking, is the process of creating or fashioning metal parts and objects. It gets a bit more complicated as you get into how these parts and objects are actually created. Through my journey to learn more about metal crafting, I discovered there are A LOT of ways to fashion metal…which was a bit overwhelming at first. To help trim things down and understand the “important stuff” I dove into researching the main processes of metal crafting, I’ve broken it down below and created a quick “metal crafting guide for dummies” based on my learnings.

Metal Crafting experts- have a family member or friend who never quite understands exactly what you do? Share this blog post with them and problem solved!

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History of Industrial Metal Crafting

Kim Williams

What better place to start than the beginning? I’ve learned how much of an impact metal crafting makes in our daily lives but how did it start and where is the industry headed?

If you’re like me, you’ve only heard about Eli Whitney as the inventor of the Cotton Gin in grade school. So I was surprised to see his name EVERYWHERE when researching the history of manufacturing. In fact, postmodern manufacturing can be traced back to Eli Whitney, the War of 1812, and a contract from the government for 10,000 muskets.

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Not So Heavy Metal Comment Policy

Kim Williams

Let’s face it the internet is a bit like the wild west now days. To keep things a bit more lassoed in, let’s have some guidelines for comments here to keep the Not So Heavy Metal Blog a safe haven from buckaroo spammers and yeehaw trolls…you know the kind.

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Meredith’s “Journey To Metal”

Kim Williams

Introducing our newest employee Meredith. Keep reading to find out what sparked her interest in industrial metal crafting and how she came to learn how much of an impact it makes on our society today.

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